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Current Officers 6030
​Kent “Florist Gump” Gallick Noble Grand Humbug #32  

John “Booger” Torres Vice Noble Grand Humbug

Haden “Honey Badger” Goodwin Grand Nobel Recorder

Alex “Rehab” Lewis Gold Dust Receiver

Ben “2 Stroke” Unger Raffle Meister

Aaron “Front brake” Zalauskas Clampatriarch #31

Sergio “Sexy” Rodriguez Dead Salmon #30 XNGH #30

Roy “Dice” Raymond Clamp Chef

John “Dirty Dream” Mariner Iron Chef XNGH #23

Tom "Jasper" Cannell Cook Crew

Daniel “Baby Smurf” Goodwin Cook Crew

Greg “Hillbilly” Hill Cook Crew

Charlie Brown Cook Crew

JD Anderson Cook Crew

Jim” South Dakota “ Haneke Cook Crew

Pete “Sparky” Peterson Grand Impertubable Hangman

Doug “Juice” Congrove Royal Vigilante

Vigilante J.R. “Headfirst” Roy

Jason “Tramp Stamp” Silva Vigilante

Nigel “Cow Poke” Strombom Vigilante

Michael “New York” Paul Vigilante Zip tie Roaming Vigilante/DFDK

Ivan “Prime” Spansel Hawker

Doug “Blind  Side” Mattice Ass Hawker

Jim “Crapper” Cirner Official B40 Proctor/XNGH #16 X-Sublime-NGH Grand Humbug Stephen “Yetiiiiii” Martenuk El Capitan XNGH #21   Joshua Geist Work party Lead Keeper of the Plaques

Dylan “Avalanche” Tortolani Parade Over Lord 1846 XNGH

Pete “Spiderman” Parker Grand Royal Musician

Dave “Grumpy” Wendt Official Scapegoat XNGH #14

Adam “Chief” Newman Cyberdouche

Jay “J Byrd” Topping Historian

Jeffery Goshorn Ass. Historian

Dave ”Cully “ Butler Humbugs Personal Cuntsoler Current Cunt

Alan “El Burro Grande” Burros Humbugs Personal Asshat XNGH #24
Past Noble Grand Humbugs of Branciforte
#01 Gil "Mother Hen" Sanchez- 1997-1998
#02 Victor "2V" Veloz - 1997-1998 [Golden Hills]
#03 Noel "Dicktater" Allen - 1997-1998
#04 Bob "Broad Brush" Niebling - 1997-1998
#05 Warren "WWII" White - 1997-1998
#06 Mike "Ringer" Ferreira - 1999 - 2000
#07 Art "Consigliere" Grams- 2000 - 2001
#08 Tom "Jasper" Cannell - 2001 - 2002
#09 Bill "Teabag" Cook - 2002 - 2003 [Golden Hills]
#10 Wendell "Well Read" Read - 2003 - 2004
#11 Jim "Smokey" Turnidge - 2004-2005
#12 Ken "Captain" Gilbert - 2005-2006
#13 Wayne "Scooter" Winningham - 2006-2007
#14 Dave "Grumpy" Wendt - 2007 - 2008
#15 Tony "T-T-T" Brassfield - 2008-2009
#16 Jim "Crapper" Cirner - 2009 - 2010
#17 Wayne "Ramrod" Edgin - 2010 - 2011
#18 George "Jawge" Peabody - 2011 - 2012
#19 Steve ”Paynefully Slow” Knutzen - 2012 - 2013
#20 Dennis "The Menace" Gobets - 2013 [16 Days] [Golden Hills]
#21 Steve "Yetiiiii" Martenuk - 2013 - 2014
#22 Tony "T-T-T" Brassfield - 2014-2015
#23 John "Dirty Dream" Mariner- 2015-2016
#24 Alan “El Burro Grande” Burros- 2016-2017
#25 Aaron "Boss Hogg" Yelland- 2017-2018
#26 Chris "Hashface" Sartain- 2018-2019

#27 Erik "Beezer" Beeson
#28 Anthony "Riddick" Moore
#29 Cary "Big Show" Coleman
#30 Sergio "Sexxxy" Rodriquez

Site Created by Seth "Vader" Gano    Edited by Adam "cyberdouche" Newman

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