ECV 1797 schedule of events for 6030
1/9 General Meeting #1
1/11 Emperor Norton Day Hawking
1/18 Work Party @ IOOF Cemetery
2/8 Bean Feed
2/13 General Meeting #2
2/22 Work Party @Sheriff’s Posse House
3/13 General Meeting #3
3/15 Corralitos Hall Fundraiser
3/29 Work Party @Swanton Ranch
4/5 Hawking @ECV 13 Rowell Ranch
4/10 General Meeting #4
4/12 Candlelight Doins @Posse House
4/26 Work Party @Camp Loma
5/8 General Meeting #5
5/17-18 Grand Council
5/25 Felton Remembers Parade/ Cookout @ Monty’s afterparty
6/12 General Meeting #6
6/14 Work Party TBD
6/20-22 Summer Doins @Swanton Ranch
7/4 4th of July Aptos Parade/ Cookout @ Sir Froggy’s afterparty
7/10 General Meeting #7
7/19 Work Party @Camp Loma
8/14 General Meeting #8
8/23 Work Party @IOOF Cemetery
9/12 General Meeting #9 @Camp Loma
9/12-14 Camp Loma Fall Doins
9-27 Work Party TBD
10/9 General Meeting #10
10/18 Work Party TBD
11/?? Widders Ball TBD
11/20 General Meeting #11/ Passing of the Staff
12/?? Toy Drive @Sir Froggy’s Pub